The “Tropen Tim” school is built!

The “Tropen Tim” school is built!

The “Tropen Tim” school is built!

It is with joy that we present photos of the finished school! Koay, in charge of the project to Cambodia Tropeng Tim sent us photos of the construction of the school. It took several days to gather the material, men and even grandmother Koay participated.

Tout le monde participe, ouvriers engagés par Lyli Association ou habitants du village, chacun donne un coup de main.

The construction is bamboo with palm leaves for the roof. The ground floor was partly raised to avoid flooding during the monsoon but part still to be upgraded. Two classrooms and restrooms more small taps where children can drink and wash hands, teeth …. Hygiene in the program!

Terrain mis à niveau et sol de l'école bétonné!

It remains only to buy the supplies and the school will host the first child soon. Koay will be responsible and we expect two teachers. The monks of the surroundings will also give a hand to the English courses. Only educated people in the countryside they are often involved in schools.

Lylischool-Tropengtim-Construction5Lylischool-Tropengtim-Construction4L'eau et les sanitaires, des éléments important dans le quotidien des enfants, eau potable et hygiène seront au programme.

It remains only to buy the supplies and the school will host the first child soon. Koay will be responsible and we expect two teachers. The monks of the surroundings will also give a hand to the English courses. Only educated people in the countryside they are often involved in schools.
One Village One school is very proud to see the birth of this project and to present to you today. Koay is very moved and he told us (in English) “I’m still struggling to achieve but we will give a real chance to children who will soon have a future. ”
Tropeng Lyli School has no other purpose than to educate these children and direct them to the jobs that bloom in the city close to home. And it seems that we are on track.

Feel free to donate, to contribute because if the adventure begins, the goal remains she continues.